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Welcome, and thank you for visiting St. Michael Lutheran Church Online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available to you. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to meet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.


Our Staff

Shawn Jennings

Assistant Pastor



Marisa Gibbs

Office Manager



Abby Dunn

Youth Pastor



Tina Calhoun​

Christian Education Leader




Mark Elvey

Contemporary Worship Team



Peter Kramp

Director, Chancel Choir



​Karin Johntone

Communications and Operations Support



Melinda Olmsted



Melisha Cole



Our Pastor:



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Hey! My name is Shawn Jennings, I’ve been serving as St. Michael’s Pastor since November of 2023. Prior to that I had been serving in the role of “Minister to Teens and Young Adults” since 2019. I’ve been working and serving in church essentially my entire life, and began working in full time ministry in 2010 in youth ministry and worship leading.

I live in Ann Arbor Michigan with my wife Abbey, and our two sons, Micah, and Cole. I love spending time with my family, just living life together and going on the awesome travels that Abbey plans are the best.

I have a wide range of interests, but mostly in my spare time I love spending time outdoors, hiking, fishing, camping - anything that gets me into green spaces. I also enjoy playing and watching sports rooting for the Detroit teams.

My favorite thing about ministry is being able to be a part of those “light bulb moments”, when the Holy Spirit gives ear to the gospel and the light bulb just “comes on” for the person. The proclamation of the promise of Christ for you, given in word and sacrament is foundational to everything we do in the church. “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” Romans 10:17

Our Mission ... 



To be disciples of Jesus.



To make disciples of Jesus.



To glorify God in everything do.

Who We Are

St. Michael Lutheran Church is a member of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC), an association of more than 800 Lutheran congregations dedicated to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Together we strive to live God-centered lives, loving and serving God in everything we say and do.  The Holy Bible is our source and norm for what we teach and believe.  We pray together, fellowship together, and minister together, serving our neighbors near and far with the gifts God gives us.  You can learn more about LCMC at


At the core of our congregation's identity is disciple-making.  To be a disciple of Jesus means to deny ourselves, pick up our crosses daily, and follow Jesus in everything that we do. (Luke 9:23)  St. Michael Lutheran Church is committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ.  We are committed to providing the necessary training for all believers to follow Jesus in their daily lives.  Furthermore, we are committed to training followers of Jesus to help others come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and to follow Jesus daily.


St. Michael Lutheran Church gathers regularly for worship, music, learning, fellowship, and outreach.  We welcome any and all who desire to worship and serve the Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -  in accordance with and under the authority of the Holy Scriptures, within a loving, supportive Christian community of faith.  We are firmly rooted in the Lutheran tradition and subscribe to the Unaltered Augsburg Confession.  And yet, we look forward to wherever God leads us, adopting whatever methods and ideas help us better proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and minister in His name, to the glory of God.


St. Michael Lutheran Church has served Ottawa Lake and surrounding communities since 1867.  We joyfully look forward to serving these same communities and the world beyond for many years to come.

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