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Where to park:
Handicap accessible parking is available in both the front and back of the church.
Entry point:
Doors are located in both the front and rear of the church for easy access. The Gathering Room is located off the front door entrance with the Sanctuary to the right. The majority of worshipers will enter through the rear doors. Follow the hallway into the Gathering Room with the Sanctuary to the left. Ushers and Greeters can direct you to Sunday School, Nursery or the Relaxation Room.
Childrens Services:
Secured Sunday School is available from 9:40 to 10:40 each Sunday.
The Nursery is staffed during the 10:45 AM Contemporary Service.
A Relaxation Room is available at the rear of the sanctuary to meet your needs during both the 8:30 Traditional Service and the 10:45 AM Contemporary Services.
Youth and Adult Studies:
These groups meet between services at 9:40 AM
Coffee Hour:
Coffee and light snacks are available in the Gathering Room between services at 9:40 and continues after the 10:45 AM Service.
What to wear:
Whatever makes you feel good while worshipping... from Easter Sunday finest to jeans and a T-Shirt. We are just happy to have you join us!!
We practice an open table for all. If the Holy Spirit moves you to partake of the meal, feel free to join us at the Table of the Lord.
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