Learning Opportunities
Sunday School Meets on Sundays at 9:40 am (September thru May). Classes are held for all ages. Emphasis is on teaching the Bible as the Word of God, encouraging students to trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and developing the necessary skills for putting Biblical principles into practice in our everyday lives.
Adult Sunday Morning Class Meets at 9:40 am in Adult Lounge in the South Hallway. The emphasis in this class is to seek Biblical wisdom for dealing with the common life-challenges we all experience in our daily lives.
Bible Study Mark Packer currently leads Bible Study on Tuesdays at 3 pm in the Gathering Room. We tackle various Biblical subjects and often use DVD's to enhance our learning and discussion. All are welcome to attend.
Please be sure to watch for other Bible Study opportunities offered at various times throughout the year.
Confirmation Ministry St. Michael Lutheran Church takes seriously Jesus' command to "Go therefore and make disciples . . ." (Matthew 28:19) In order to prepare our teenage youth for the responsibilities of adult membership in Christ's church, we offer a two-year "discipleship training" program leading to the Rite of Confirmation.
Confirmation Workshops meet several Sunday evenings throughout the Fall and Winter months.
Workshops are led by Shawn Jennings, Minister to Teens and Young Adults. Classes emphasize the basics of the Christian faith: Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the Apostles' Creed, the 10 Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, the meaning and use of the Sacraments, discerning one's calling and vocation, and the importance of prayer and regular scripture study.
Two additional components help deepen the student's understanding of Christian discipleship. Students are required to engage in experiential learning - participating in various fellowship and outreach experiences in the life of the Christian community. Students also partner with their parents in weekly Home Bible Study, allowing parents to opportunity to mentor their child in the Christian faith.
Students usually begin this program when entering 7th grade. However, older students are welcome also.